

An in-class tool for students with learning disabilities 

Project definition

1/5 of the students at Ontario College of Art and design have a learning disability. Most of them do not know about it, or if they do they do not feel comfortable talking about it. It is common that one disability could add up other disabilities; 60% to 75% of the students with learning disabilities have comorbidity. In most cases the second learning disability is stress-related. On the other hand, schools like OCAD, which have a center for students with disabilities, to not have solutions for all the learning disabilities, yet they spend $642,200 every year with only a few solutions. Most of the students with learning disability lack the attention needed, and the participation in the classroom environment; so by helping them to be more focused in the class, they can learn and observe the content much better. 


Project objectives

The main objective of this project is to increase learning in the classroom environment. My target for selling this product to is CSD, so I need to help them save money.
By spending less time on the notes, and increasing focus and attention in the classroom, students with a learning disability will have less stress and would be involved in the classroom experience.